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Completion Ceremony for University of Le Havre’s Exchange Program Held

Published on Aug 09, 2019


The completion ceremony for the four exchange students from Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre took place on Thursday 25 July 2019.?

The ceremony started with the comments by four exchange students. Each of them looked back their stay over the last month and talked about various memories not only in Osaka but Kyoto and Nara where they visited.

Then certificates and souvenirs were presented by Professor Nakase, Dean of Faculty of Business, which followed by addresses by Professor Nakase, Associate Professor Bu, member of Global Exchange Committee and Lecturer Oyama before the ceremony was over. The students will return to France with memories of various encounters and experiences in Japan. We wish their continued success in their home country.?

With Osaka and Le Havre being sister ports, the OCU Faculty of Business and University of Le Havre Faculty of International Affairs signed an exchange agreement in 1990. Since then, students visit each other’s university for a month every year, offering them a precious chance to foster an international sense. Some students of OCU Faculty of Business are planning to study at University of Le Havre this coming fall.

From left:<br />Professor Nakase,  Associate Professor Bu,<br />Lecturer Oyama
From left:
Professor Nakase, Associate Professor Bu,
Lecturer Oyama
Reports by the students
Reports by the students
